So I lost access to my previous blog. I had a company phone for 20 years and they allowed personal use, so I never got a personal cell phone. I was happy, used two stage authentication for my access and all. Someone offered me another job with more money and I left. I had to turn in the phone and thought I removed all the security associated with the old phone. Nope, it texts that number and the new user won’t respond to help me remove it and change it.

So I am starting over on WordPress, since I got locked out of my account. All the stuff I used to post to this blog in my past years and can found and read here. and maybe I will copy it over here. One day when I am bored, maybe, it is raining and I can’t hunt, fish or work on something.

If you are interested in archery. I used to be obsessed with making bows and arrows when younger. I found that there was pretty good information on bow making, but a lot of very poor information in books and posted on like about making quality arrows. I stared writing a book. I found I was contently adding to it and self publishing was going to be more work than I felt like dealing with. SO I posed it on a blog. You can read it here.

My most popular post was making the Coolbot clone and deer cooler. My buddy Kevin wanted to build one and i got to design it and make it work.

Next is the smokehouse that people like. I just got the itch to make one and I did. The collection of posts can be found here. Someday I plan on knocking down the fire box and make two stacked vaulted ovens. Bottom for the smoke house fire and top for a brick oven.

The lure making stuff got popular as I made templates and guys could download and copy them. That all kind of fell away as I can only build so many things, have so many hobbies at one time. I still need to work, fish, hunt, tinker and of course carry out mundane tasks for my wife and spend time with her also. I need to make for inline spinners, maybe that will get posted. I never posted that stiff before.

There was a time my daughter dragged me into chicken raising. I got into chickens until it became a hassle do it all when she was “too busy” all the time. So I gave mine up and then had to get rid of hers. Maybe I’ll do them again when I have ore free time. My wife likes them as pets and doesn’t like to think of them as food. Making having them counter productive.

Canning The few things i canned.

Most of my Wild Game cooking recipes are listed in this search section.

Then there is the kayak section. Kayak general, Kayak Fishing and Kayak Hunting

Archery, Black powder, Hunting, Knives, reloading, shooting, and that is about it for now.

Stay happy Enjoy!!!!

Kako and me in her younger years, as she stares off listening to geese in the distance.